Occupational Therapy Can Work On:

  • Visual-Motor Skills (hand-eye coordination) – such as catching or kicking a ball, using scissors, copying notes, lacing, etc.

  • Learning ADLs- Activities of Daily Living (bathing, getting dressed, fasteners, brushing teeth, using utensils, using the bathroom)

  • Improving strength and fine motor skills

  • Bilateral integration and hand dominance development

  • Visual Perceptual Skills- (ex. remembering alphabet sequence, puzzles, self-editing written work, remembering what was read or presented visually)

    • Learn more https://therapyfunzone.net/blog/ot/visual-perceptual-skills/

  • Sensory Processing Skills

  • Improve ability to interact with peers and adults

  • Self-Regulation Skills- Maintaining positive behaviors across environments

  • IADLs- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (Shopping, Housekeeping, Managing Money, Food Prep, Telephone, and Transportation)

  • Executive Functioning Skills -Learn more https://www.theottoolbox.com/executive-functioning-skills

A few examples ...

For a child that has difficulty with writing letters and/or numbers direct intervention with multi-sensory practice such as writing on a chalkboard, learning formations with rhymes, sky writing, and using paper with special lines are all examples on how to help learn these skills. Repetition and 'homework' is recommended to retain skills. Underlying skills such as wrist stability, grasp and upper extremity strength are always assessed prior to a treatment plan. 

Yoga- Did you know story based yoga helps develop speech and language skills, expression of emotions, social skills, body awareness, balance, strength and endurance, concentration skills, and self-awareness. It is a non-competitive activity that also teaches relaxation skills. Story based yoga tells a story while incorporating yoga poses; each story teaches a lesson and they can customized to specific student needs. Yoga can be customized to developmental and ability levels. 

For a child who is still developing hand dominance and crossing mid-line, skills are observed during play and functional tasks such as eating. Depending on age, suggestions may be made to promote one specific side for dominance. Developing hand dominance will help in developing fine motor precision skills. To help in crossing mid-line reaching across the body to retrieve items or completing gross motor activities such as balloon volleyball can help develop this skill. 

For a child presenting with sensory processing challenges, therapy would focus would be centered on their needs. Therapy may include finding items in putty or locating items under a cloth without using their eyes, helping with tactile discrimination. To help with body awareness and postural stability, a swing may be incorporated into a game. To help with balance, sitting on various surfaces activate the targeted muscles. Gravitational insecurity may be addressed through rocking, swinging, and exercises. Functional tasks such as bathing, bedtime, and classroom instruction may be impacted by sensory processing skills. Strategies would be provided to help with sensory integration.

For a child who has difficulty with reading an OT may initially start with a visual screen. This would include assessing fixation, tracking, and saccadic eye movements among other visual skills. Functionally we look at how well they can scan across the page. An OT would take into consideration the appropriate reading level and tracking tools would be trialed. If the visual screen determines the child needs a more thorough assessment, a referral may be made to a vision therapist that is certified in vision development and vision therapy, 

 Click here to review resource from AOTA on pediatric OT services